User-Friendly Online Corporate Compliance Training
Our corporate compliance training courses are expertly designed to provide you and your team with everything you need to meet regulatory obligations in an uncomplicated, easy-to-understand and cost-effective way.
- Trusted by Professionals
- Crafted by Industry Experts
- Up-to-date Safeguarding
Easy-to-follow training materials that contain real-world examples.
Multiple Choice Test
Demonstrate your understanding by answering 10 multiple choice questions.
Receive a certificate on successful completion of the course.

Our corporate compliance training courses have been created by industry experts who have a wealth of knowledge and experience. The individuals involved in the creation of the corporate compliance training courses have an extensive range of tax and investigative experience based on more than 53 years of working for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). One such individual was heavily involved in the creation of the Corporate Criminal Offence (CCO) legislation when he worked for HMRC. This means, we are uniquely placed to help safeguard yourself, your firm, and its employees from falling foul of legislation and fulfilling the correct regulatory requirements.
Our in-depth training courses enable members of your organisation to develop and demonstrate an understanding of specific areas of corporate compliance. Each corporate compliance training course contains real-world examples and are, where appropriate, industry-specific. This ensures that each user is able to more readily apply their new found knowledge to real word situations.
Group Registration
It is important that corporate compliance training is completed by whole teams and whole businesses to ensure correct compliance with the relevant legislation.
We have therefore endeavored to make the process of group registrations as simple and easy as possible, for no additional cost. We provide you the ability to purchase a single review for one person, or multiple reviews for your team or business.
Where multiple reviews have been purchased, these can be assigned to members of your team. Allowing you to keep track of your team’s progress and download their certificates of completion for internal record purposes.
For more information on exactly how this works, please follow the link below.
The legislation
Historically, evidence has shown that senior members of companies and partnerships operating in the UK have been involved in, or were aware of, illegal activities within their organisations. HMRC found it difficult to gather enough evidence to meet the evidential standard required to prove intent in relation to the offences of fraudulent tax evasion or cheating the public revenue. In addition, many businesses had insufficient corporate governance and training in place to enable their employees to identify and report such offences.
For this reason, the Failure to Prevent the Facilitation of Tax Evasion (known as the Corporate Criminal Offence or CCO) was introduced as part of the Criminal Finances Act 2017
Money laundering is the illegal process of making money generated by criminal activity appear to have originated from a legitimate source. The phrase money laundering comes from the idea of taking ill-gotten gains or ‘dirty’ money and reintroducing it as ‘clean’ money.
Organised crime such as drugs trafficking, smuggling, illegal arms sales, prostitution rings, along with white collar crimes like fraud, embezzlement, insider trading and scams can produce huge profits. Criminals are unable to freely use such profits in legitimate business operations in the economy without revealing their source and attracting unwanted attention, so money laundering takes place.
Anti-money laundering legislation was put in place to cut off the ability of criminals to gain access to funds procured through illegal means. The UK’s anti-money laundering legislation is contained within the following laws:
Bribery is an illegal transaction in which one party provides to another party something of value with the purpose of influencing the behaviour of that other party. Bribes themselves come in many forms, and are used to influence all sorts of behaviour, from bribing police to get off on a legal charge, to guaranteeing business contracts are awarded, and even to influencing political voting. Bribery causes loss of tax revenue for governments, increased social inequality, and can lead to increased levels of poverty. It is of the utmost importance for governments to reduce bribery and its negative effects.
The Bribery Act 2010 came into force on 1 July 2011 and is the United Kingdom’s primary anti-bribery legislation. It does not concern itself with fraud, theft, anti-money laundering offences or any other white-collar crime, but solely on the practice of bribery.
Since the advent of the millennium, technology has changed our lives. From smartphones to social media, smart homes and online shopping, technology has increased connectivity, facilitated quick online payments, and changed the way we consume media. It is safe to say there has been a huge technological shift which is only set to continue.
The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and the General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) form the data protection legislation in the United Kingdom. The EU GDPR was introduced in 2018 and post-Brexit, this was amended to become the UK GDPR. This legislation was introduced to protect the personal information of individuals and to change how businesses collect, store and use personal data. All UK organisations which process personal data are expected to comply with the legislation.